Natural Morning Sickness Remedies

Natural Morning Sickness Remedies

Congratulations! You’re expecting! Pregnancy can be an amazing time filled with excitement as you prepare to be a new parent. It is also a time where your body is undergoing major physiological and hormonal changes that can lead to symptoms such a morning sickness and major food aversions. Really it should just be called all day sickness because for many women the feeling of overwhelming nausea lasts all day long. For many, the nausea, vomiting and most food aversions start to subside gradually at some point after the first trimester but sometimes can return into the later part of the third trimester (and unfortunately for some it may last the entire pregnancy). It can be a real challenge. It’s also a time when you want to eat the healthiest foods possible for your growing baby but often it’s those healthy foods that can be hard to get and keep down! Here are some natural tips to help take the edge off and hopefully minimize some of those symptoms.

Vitamin B6 supplementation

  • Increasing your vitamin B6 has shown to be effective in decreasing the severity of nausea for those experiencing morning sickness. Food sources of Vitamin B6 include, organ meats, potato, sweet potato, sunflower seeds, fish such as tuna or salmon, bananas and dried apricots. Getting enough from food sources may be tricky when you’re feeling so nauseous, so a good quality supplement may be recommended by your health care provider. For all supplementation please consult your health care provider, the quality of supplementation is very important in order for your body to actually absorb the nutrients. I often recommend seeing a naturopathic doctor with a focus in women's health as part of your-self care and support, it make such a difference!



  • This seems like a simple one but your water intake needs increase significantly during pregnancy in order to keep up with the increased blood and fluid volume involved with growing a baby. Honestly, it can be hard to keep up with, especially when you’re not feeling well. But do your best as dehydration can increase that nauseous feeling. Try adding fresh squeezes of lemon, lime or grapefruit if you find water hard to drink on its own.

Rest & Sleep when you can

  • Most women report an overwhelming feeling of fatigue in the first trimester. Getting run down or not getting enough sleep can also contribute to an increase in morning sickness symptoms Try your best to listen to your body and nap or sleep when you can. I know, it’s much easier said than done! Especially if this not your first pregnancy and you have a little one to chase after. During my first pregnancy napping was no problem, but with my second I just made sure to try to go to bed shortly after I put my toddler to bed to maximize sleep time. And just take it easy on yourself, you are growing a human and that takes a lot of energy.

Try to eat small meals or snacks more frequently

  • Skipping meals and not eating can cause dips in your blood sugar levels which can increase the symptoms of nausea. It may be the last thing you want to do but just taking small bites of something (even if it’s just a piece of cheese and one cracker) can help regulate your blood sugar levels and help with some of the nausea.

Do your best to eat quality food but don’t be hard on yourself

  • Sometimes you just need to eat whatever you can keep down. Normally I eat a ton of vegetables, healthy fats and good quality protein, fish with minimal grains and dairy. However, during my first trimester in both pregnancies most of those foods seemed repulsive to me and there was no way I could even smell them, let alone consume them. This can be hard when you just want the best nutrition for your growing baby. My diet at this time often consisted of buckwheat toast with mashed avocado, cheese and crackers, baked potato with grass-fed butter and a lot of citrus fruit, granny smith apples or tart berries. On a really good day I could tolerate a smoothie packed with greens, berries, collagen peptides or hemp hearts and some healthy fat (avocado or nut/seed butter) and I would just sip on that all morning. It wasn’t the most ideal diet and far from my normal but I tried to sneak in some healthier options to help my body out. It can be hard to eat a perfect well balanced diet while pregnant so just try to eat the healthier options of whatever it is you can tolerate.

Have something tart on hand for when the nausea hits

  • When that severe nausea does hit, it can be nice to have something on hand to hopefully by-pass the dry heaving or vomiting that may result. Some women find having something tart can help the feeling pass so that you can either, hydrate, rest or eat something more (whatever your body may need at that moment!). Options for this may include Preggie Pops, a piece of tart apple or a slice of grapefruit.

Consider a good magnesium supplement

  • Magnesium deficiencies are common in general but are even more prevalent during pregnancy, as normal absorption is inhibited during this time. If you are reading this prior to conceiving, it’s a good idea to increase your magnesium consumption or supplementation prior to pregnancy. Food sources of magnesium include dark leafy greens, sea vegetables, avocados, dates, fish, chocolate and soaked nuts or seeds. Unfortunately even with a healthy diet many people are still deficient. Taking either a good quality oral supplement or applying a magnesium oil to your feet and legs (many find their body absorbs this easier) in the evening can be great options. And if you’re experiencing restless legs or those painful calf or hamstring spasms in the middle of the night, increasing your magnesium can also help!

Yours in health,

Dr. Stephanie

*Disclaimer: This is  intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. As always please seek the advice of a qualified health care provider in regards to any medical concern.