Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

More and more women are recognizing the health benefits of chiropractic during pregnancy. Mothers who seek chiropractic care throughout pregnancy often report experiencing overall feelings of well-being, health, and comfort during pregnancy, birth and as well as recovery postpartum.

Pregnancy is an amazing and exciting time for expecting moms. It is also a time of great change, especially when it comes to your body. During pregnancy numerous physiological and biomechanical changes and demands are being placed on your body. Chiropractic care can help you adapt to these changes by balancing the spine and pelvis, improving nervous system function and easing aches and pains. This can allow for a healthy and more comfortable pregnancy .

Safe during any stage of pregnancy

Chiropractic care is very safe throughout all trimesters of pregnancy, even the first trimester.The treatments utilized during pregnancy are very specific to needs of a pregnant patient. These gentle treatments are very effective in relieving the pain and discomfort women may feel during their pregnancy, as well as prevent them. As your body grows and changes you will undergo an increase in joint laxity, a change in your center of gravity and increased stress on your joints. Our treatments can be gentle yet extremely effective. As a result we can relieve the pain and discomfort you feel while keeping your baby safe and happy. However, it is important to seek out a chiropractor who has additional training in pregnancy and postpartum. These chiropractors have a variety of techniques which can help balance the pelvis and spine and help you feel healthy and well throughout all stages of pregnancy.

Reducing Low back, Hip, Gluteal or Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction

Low back, hip or pelvic pain are some of the most common complaints from women seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy. This is no surprise, you’re carrying a little person who is growing and changing on a daily basis. Often imbalances that are present before pregnancy, and may have not been symptomatic can become more pronounced or develop for a variety of reasons:

  • Postural changes during pregnancy can cause low back, SI joint, hip or gluteal pain and sometimes sciatica.

  • If the pelvis is not balanced pain over the pubic bone and pelvic area can sometimes occur.

  • An increase in the lumbar curve can develop, placing stress on the low back, as your baby grows and your center of gravity changes.

  • Hormones (relaxin) produced during pregnancy allow your ligaments to loosen so that the pelvis can expand and accommodate for baby during pregnancy and birth. This can make pregnant women more prone to aches, pains or injury.

  • Chiropractic care can restore optimal alignment to the pelvis and spine which decreases stress on the joints and ligaments, making for a much more comfortable pregnancy. Postural education, stretches or strengthening exercises may also be recommended to help strengthen, balance and prepare you for labour.