Nourishing Postpartum Tea


Drinking herbal tea can be both hydrating, warming and increase nutrient intake. All of which are important in the healing process. This tea is lovely early postpartum but is also lovely in general. I still have this tea daily!

Nettle Leaf- Rich in iron and magnesium and has been traditionally used to nourish and rebuild.

Red Raspberry Leaf - Known as both a uterine tonic and for balancing hormones. This tea is often used in the third trimester of pregnancy as well as postpartum. This herbal tea is rich is several nutrients such as magnesium, iron and zinc which can help support healing and replenish nutrients.

Rooibos Tea - This is a naturally sweet tea which is one of the reasons I like to add it into the mix. This tea is also known for being rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc and magnesium.


  • Simply add 1 tbsp of each of the teas and let steep for at least 10-15 minutes. I often let it steep much longer!
  • Enjoy!